Thank You Letter Lesson

One of my favorite projects that my son ever brought home from school was a "thank you" letter to our family for Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a perfect time to teach gratitude (and sneak in a friendly letter lesson.) So I created this simple "thank you" letter lesson for you to use with your students this November or any other time of the year.

The following pages are included:

1.) Review the "Parts of a Letter." Also have students take notice of the different ways the letter writer expressed "thanks": I am grateful for...., I appreciate...., Thank you.....

2.) Prewriting: Ask your kids if they have ever written a "thank you" note.  Talk about why it's important to write "thank you" notes.  Then begin to think about someone they could thank for being kind/helpful/thoughtful to them this year.

3.) Use the lined paper to write their letters.

4.) Finally, use the writing checklist as a final review.
Hope you enjoy! For this free Thank You Letter lesson, click here!
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